Self-Study. This course is available on a fee-for-education basis. You only need to pay any amount to enroll, but the payment must be made within 10 days of the start of training. Administration of Yu-Learning guarantees you safety of all your confidential information (you won’t have to pay for training twice).
Parallel video” course
This course is designed for those who just want to learn how to make video on the computer. With us you can find many lessons on how to create video and work with Flash Professional. Here you will also find an explanation of the Windows Movie Maker settings and other interesting information about the video.
This course is designed for professionals working in the field of presentation creation. It provides a comprehensive description of all the techniques for creating presentation materials in PowerPoint. Lessons on creating presentations include video instructions, clear examples, work algorithms, and much more.
Video course “Introduction to making presentations in WINDOWS MOVIE Maker
This course is designed both for beginners who have just begun to learn the WINSDOWS MAKER program and for professional artists who want to create their first presentation.
This video lesson on WORD opens a series of 9 lessons on modern software for creating presentation content – WORDSPEPSE. The main purpose of the course is to get you more acquainted with this program, which can be used not only to create professional presentations, but also to create training courses.
Course on Adobe Flash Player – Flash Lessons
This video course is prepared for those people who are planning to create their own multimedia project, but have not yet figured out all the subtleties and nuances. In the final step you will learn how to create one of the most common formats of Flash presentations – flash movie.
Video lesson on “Fundamentals of WindowPoint
In this lesson you will learn all about the programs to create Web pages – WindPoint and WordPoint Publisher. You will learn how to work with the Windows Publishing Tools captioning program. In addition, you will learn with what parameters and with what style sheet you can edit the layout of a Web page.