Set Your Moosend In Motion: Publishers

No HTML skills, no problem.  Use our pre-made templates to create your newsletter or design it from scratch, with our drag & drop editor that makes you a pro in only a few minutes.


Welcome to another Moosend tutorial. 

This time I will guide you through our editor and templates and see how you can use them to elevate your marketing campaigns!  

Creating a newsletter design from scratch with Moosend is very easy. And the best part is that you don’t need any coding skills at all thanks to our drag and drop editor!

The simplest thing to do is create a newsletter with our ready-made templates. 

Shall we?

Start by clicking on the Template Library tab on your editor. 

There you will find a wide range of templates for any industry and type of campaign. 

For this tutorial, we choose the typical blog newsletter template. 

Click on the preview template button and scroll down to see how it looks on different devices. 

If the design suits your campaign needs, click on the Use Template button to start customizing it. 

To change an image click on it and go to the design menu on your left. 

Click on the Replace Image button and choose the image you want to use. 

If you want to crop the image click on the corresponding icon on your left and adjust the width and height by dragging the arrows. 

Click Crop when you’re done. 

Now it’s time to add new content. To do this, go to the menu on your left and click on the Structure tab, where you will find different column layouts. We call them containers. 

Drag and drop the container of your choice. 

Click on the Settings icon to customize it. 

When using a template you have the complete freedom to change, customize, move or delete any elements in the design. 

Just click on the specific element to open its settings on your left. From here you can do anything you want. 

That’s it! 

You now have a beautiful, responsive newsletter with just a few clicks and tweaks! 

But what if you want to create a newsletter from scratch?

It’s almost as simple! 

Let’s do this together. 

Go to the editor and start by adding the background of your choice. 

Click on the Settings tab. 

Click on the Upload image button and choose the image you want. 

If you want your image to fill your newsletter horizontally click the Background repeat option and choose Repeat-y.

To make your newsletter responsive tick the Cascade all the blocks for the responsiveness box. 

From the Default settings you can add text, button, images and more and adjust them the way you like. 

To start building your newsletter click on the Plus symbol and choose the container that suits your design. 

Add any elements you want by clicking inside the boxes. 

For the newsletter we want to create we add an image by clicking on the Image element. 

Click on the arrow. 

Click on the Upload image button and choose your image. 

Drag and drop the Spacer element to add space in your design. 

If you want you can duplicate or move this element anywhere in your newsletter. 

To add a button drag and drop the button element placed on your right. 

Click on the button you just added to open the settings and customize it to your needs. 

To add another image simply drag and drop the right container in your newsletter. 

Once it is uploaded you can adjust the structure by clicking on the settings icon of the specific image. 

Add a spacer element to give room to your design to breathe and adjust its height accordingly. 

To add text click on the elements tab. 

Drag and drop the text element. 

Click on it to type your text. 

Adjust the size, font and colors. 

From here you can continue designing your newsletter with the same process. 

Just drag and drop the containers and elements you want in your design. 

Everything is customizable! 

To add Social follow buttons go to the Elements tab.

Drag and drop the social follow element to the right place. 

Click on the right icon to add it in your design and add the right link in the field. 

To change the look of the buttons you added go to the icon style dropdown menu. 

Go to the preview tab to see how your newsletter looks on different devices. 

And you’re done! You just created a professional blog newsletter from scratch! 

Happy email marketing!